Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gentle Persistence

I am taking Hatha Yoga classes during summer while my dance school is on a summer break. I have done yoga for a long time and there have been long stretches where I didn’t do it but I started when I was in elementary school (as part of the school curriculum) and the good thing is even if my mind forgets it sometimes, the body remembers. After a few initial tugs and pulls, the body goes back to its usual ductile self.
It also gives my mind some stability which has been giving me a hard time lately, I don’t think I am loosing it but I am not hanging on to it very tight either… Will write about that some other time for now it’s about Yoga.
It’s a good activity for me and my girls get involved too. Somu learns yoga at school and so its fun when she shows me different poses. One day, she during butterfly pose, she asked me what kind of butterfly am I and what color and it was interesting to think like that. I love butterflies and draw a lot of inspiration from them but never thought about the kind of butterfly I’d like to be. Divi also just loves to join in and see if she can stretch her legs and how far she can go…

So, every Saturday after Yoga class and when my mind is all tranquil after the meditation session, one thing or the other pops up as an inspiration and it sort of conditions my mind and my general attitude. This week’s Mantra is ‘gentle persistence’. Its reference was made in terms yoga practice and how to achieve balance and just to be able to do some poses but I think it’s equally applicable in life… gentle persistence can go a long way; with people, with work, with my goals (if there are any), just training my mind…
Forging ahead beyond the flexibility of the situation makes things rebound often but the way sought with gentle persistence keeps me going may be slow at times but consistently moving ahead and for some reason mind draws a lot of pleasure from looking ahead, contemplating future and having something to dream about…

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