Monday, January 01, 2018

Word of the year 2018 - Active...

It was incredible to usher in the new year 2018 on a Monday... the last weekend of the year was slow and contemplative and I am so thankful for it.
As I looked back on the year 2017 and my word (phrase) - 'show up' for the year, my biggest take away is the persistence to keep following the plan despite the results. 2017 for me was not a year of results, it was about burning the midnight oil and keep plugging away even when nothing seems to be moving on the surface.

Another very important lesson was setting priorities... you'll achieve only what you make time for and even though I don't have sprouts to show for the hard work, I know in my conviction the seeds that have been sown.

After last few years of forging (2015), surrendering (2016) to the path that's in front of me and showing up (2017), it is time to take charge again and the word that I have chosen to set that intention is 'Active'... My commitment to staying active is for my body and for my mind.

For my body, I would like to eliminate extracted sugar from my diet and limit the consumption of high glycemic index foods to special occasions only. Also, a minimum of 10 minutes of activity each day and ideally a 30 minute work out. The goal is to cut out the crap and to move more...

For my mind, I would like to carve out time for contemplation and be more deliberate in my thinking for day to day tasks and yet, be more strategic towards long term career goals. Staying on top of current research in the field and carving out a detailed action plan would help keep my mind active and my knowledge relevant.

I'd write a more detailed post to wrap up 2017 but today being the first day of 2018, I wanted to usher in this new milestone in time with hope and a plan for the future...

'Wish you a happy 2018'  


  1. Best wishes for an active new year ahead!!

  2. Love your plan!
    I too am planning on eliminating sugar...processed sugar to be precise.
    It's part of my OLW self care plan!
